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[Built With Amiga software]


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[User Group Network]

The South West Amiga Group now has an IRC channel up and running, it is called #SWAG (funnily enough ;-) and is located on DalNet, here is a list of some of the available servers. If you are new to IRC & require more info, please see below.
  • Ports 6666,7 & 9
  • Ports 6666,7 & 9
  • Port 7000 will randomly choose a server for you.

To get onto IRC, you will need an IRC client. For the Amiga, "AmIRC" from "Vapor" is by far the best client available.

Download AmIRC.
Please remember to shift-click when selecting. File size is approx. 830k.

  • HTTP Download from the UK-Online Vapor mirror site
  • FTP Download From the UK aminet mirror.

Installing AmIRC.
Installing AmIRC is easy, unarchive the .lha file & then click on "install". Follow the prompts & hey presto, it's done!

Configuring AmIRC.
First off you'll need to decide on a nick-name or "nick" as it is more commonly known on IRC. This may be a permutation of your real name or just about anything you like (mine is "Motorman" as I am a mechanic & general car nut ;-). Your nick is entered at the top of the AmIRC window, there is four different entries where you can put different nicks in case the first choice is in use.

Another point to remember with DALnet is that they allow their users to "register" a nick, this will ensure that no-one else will be able to use your nick if you have registered it. Although, this will mean that if you log onto Dalnet with a nick that is being used, the Dalnet server will change your nick to "Guestxxxx" (where xxxx is a number), you can change your nick when logged on by typing "/nick <a-nick-of-your-choice>".

Next, double click on "DalNet" in the list of servers, select "New Server" from the buttons at the bottom then enter a "server name", e.g. "", to the right of that enter a port, the most commonly used one is "6667". Under the "comment" enter a name for your new channel/server entry, something like "SWAG irc channel" will do. Finally in the "Autojoin" input enter "#SWAG". Oh, don't forget to save your new settings!

That's about it really, all you need do now is press "Connect" (or "Connect Thread", this is the same as Connect, but leaves the window with the list of servers open) and away you go!

That is the basics you need to know to get onto IRC, if you want to find out more about DalNet and the commands or options available, I would highly recommend you peruse the DalNet web-site. I would also recommend that you RTFM that comes with AmIRC :-).

O.K. I know, I've waffled on enough, but if I've made a mistake here or if you think something could be clearer, let me know at

Any comments about SWAG or life in general? If you have them, send them to me, Andy Mills at

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